Our Approach and Services
Learning & Digital Transformation Consultancy
...we take a business and performance consulting approach in enabling business transformation for the Digital Future..
...from awareness building/education thru to business needs analysis , capability development , deployment and delivery of solutions and follow-on support and services...
...our organisational and people capability development is always build on a social collaborative and digital first approach ...
Key Focus:
Leadership Development : building the capabilities of the Future leader
Performance Capability Development
Digital Transformation of Workplace and Workforce
Digital Learning Organisation @Digital Learning Experience Ecosystem Transformation
Learning Solutions and Systems Development
..as Learning Architects we help organisations in the process of identifying their current state, define their future state and formulate the Digital Learning strategy to help them evolve their Digital Learning Experience Ecosystem ... where ownership of learning shifts to the learner enabled by the organization as the architect of the learning experience with a digital and social collaborative approach.
...as Solution Developers and System Integrators we collaborate with leading Learning/EduTech providers and XR technology partners in the development ,deployment and on-going support of the digital learning solutions.
Key Focus:
Learning Content development
Facilitated workshops
Facilitated Face to Face
Virtual classroom facilitated
Mobile -Learning
Extended Reality Learning
360 VR Video
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Learning Solutions and System Integration
Learning Experience platform /Learning Management System Integration
Extended Reality Solutions and Platforms (AR/VR/MR)
Mobile Learning Platform and solutions
...The need to identify, energise, equip, lead and manage the workforce of the future is paramount for any organisation to be successful in their Workforce and Digital transformation strategy...
...to address this need Agilitas Learning along with though leaders and Subject matter experts have curated a series of learning and accreditation programs to address the capability development to equip and enable Leaders, Workforce and the HR/L&D be ready and lead the Digital Transformation at the workplace...
Learning Academy Programs
•Future Leader Program
•Future Workforce Program
•Future of Learning
•Mixed Reality in Industry Program
Learning Accreditation and Delivery
Virtual Trainer Accreditation Program
• Competency assessment and Performance audits
• Customised Training Delivery:
• Retail and Sales
• Customer Experience and Services
• High Performance Teams
Learning Academy Programs
Future Leader Program
Future Workforce Program
Future of Learning
Virtual Classroom Trainer Accreditation
Competency assessment and Performance audits
Customised Training Delivery:
Retail and Sales
Customer Experience and Services
Learning Delivery and Accreditation