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Continuity in Learning @Virtual Classroom Learning Insights

Building from the sessions Agilitas Learning has been running to engage with HR and L&D community on the value proposition of Virtual classroom learning in this current climate penning down 10 key insights ,concerns and considerations that might be useful for companies as they explore virtual classroom learning ..

1.There are and has been good practices of L&D in companies having a strategy towards remote learning using digital learning tools and technologies but that has to-date been more focused towards self-directed learning and less on instructor led. Leading Global MNCs have used Virtual classroom to a certain degree but has not adopted it as a main stream ILT learning solution.

2. The current climate is creating a need to shift instructor led learning and engagement on-line as a key deliverable.

3. There is a distinct difference between sharing knowledge and expecting to achieve Learning outcomes using online platform. As companies start adopting "remote learning" for now the focus has been on sharing knowledge and not enabling learning.

4. There is still a question mark on the effectiveness for instructor led training using digital technologies. Especially for skills based and experiential learning. How much of these can be achieved on technology platforms?

5. Use of Virtual classroom learning platforms to deliver instructor led training with interaction and activities is very minimal as not many companies use those platforms or are aware of added features and functionalities other that what is available on web conferencing platforms.

6. Delivering learning in a virtual classroom environment requires a redesign of the learning approach and new facilitation skills sets. Its not just a cut and paste exercise.

5. The re-design of learning content for virtual classroom training can be complex depending on the learning objective to be achieved. Eg can a sales negotiation training be done virtually?..while possible it requires a think thru on redesign. Thus start simple and build further..

6. L&D recognize there is currently a skills gap for facilitators/trainers in delivering virtual classroom training sessions that can ensure keeping attentiveness and engagement of learners.

7. Technology and infrastructure places a big part : Bandwidth for Video and audio capability is still the number 1 issue. Next concern is the security risk. (eg Zoom being challenged right now..)

8. Digital readiness and adoption by employees to engage on a live platform for learning is still not a norm in many companies. Requiring a mindset change.

9. Companies need to recognize its not just the facilitation but the administration of the virtual classroom learning environment is key to its success.

10. What platform to adopt and the associated licensing/pricing is still vague and requires exploration and support in companies .

As we engage further will share more on insights...

In the mean time if need support in exploring Virtual classroom learning in your community or organisation feel free to reach out..


VR Goggles


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